Projects and their associated entities have certain properties that may be modified in Project Manager. To modify a project or entity, select the item and edit the desired table cells. Multiple cells may be edited at once by selecting the entity rows and right clicking after selection. A pop up menu will appear with appropriate options. Project modifications will affect the entities within. For example, if a project is switched off, all entities associated with that project will be switched off.
The following modification choices are available for all projects and individual entities within:
Enabled Disabling a project or individual entities results in the project and/or associated entities being made invisible, and they will no longer participate in the lighting calculations. In addition, the disabled project and/or associated entities will not be affected by other entities in enabled projects, such as luminaires in other projects.
Lock - Locking a project or individual entities prevents the project and/or associated entities from being modified. Locked projects and/or associated entities can be switched on or off.
The following modification options are only available in the Project table on a project wide basis:
Load - Loading a project allows the user to make modifications to specific entities within the loaded projects. By default, only one project is loaded at a time. Multiple projects may be loaded for global modification by pressing the Alt keyboard key while clicking in the Load selection cells for the desired projects.
Freeze - Freezing a project results in the project and associated entities within no longer participating in the lighting calculations. The project is still visible - all entities are shown in Model Mode using the Frozen Entity Color specified in System Settings - Defaults. In addition, the frozen project and associated entities will not be affected by other entities in enabled projects, such as luminaires in other projects.
- From the Control Bar, click on the Project Manager button
- To make project level modifications, select the options desired within the Project table. To make modifications to multiple projects, select the rows representing the projects you wish to select, then right click. Select the desired option from the secondary menu.
- To make entity level modifications, load the projects to be modified in Project Manager. To select multiple projects, press the Alt key while selecting the Load selection boxes.
- Select the entity type to modify from the Entity Type pull-down menu. Only one entity type may be displayed at a time.
- Make the modification in the Entities table. To make modifications to multiple entities, select the rows representing the entities you wish to select, then right click. Select the desired option from the secondary menu. Continue in this fashion until all modifications have been applied.
- Click Ok.
Project Management
Why use multiple projects?
Create multiple projects when there are several tasks in the job file that you do not want to interact. For example, you could have several independent rooms in a building that do not affect each other. Create each room, and its associated luminaires, objects and statistical areas, as a separate project. Lock the other projects (rooms) in the job file so you can apply lighting metrics just to the one project (room) you are interested in.
Multiple Project Concepts
- Locate equivalent luminaire locations within individual projects. The ability to disable projects easily allows you to compare "equals" during design or bidding phases while maintaining all the data within one file for easy recollection.
- Sports Lighting - Create a project for each field in a multiple use sports complex.
- Sports Lighting - Separate horizontal and vertical calculation grids into multiple projects for optimization and analysis purposes.
- Roadway Lighting - Create a project for each section of roadway or for proposed vs. existing.
- Theatrical Lighting - Separate house and theatrical luminaires into multiple projects for analysis.
When multiple projects are specified, you can choose to associate a schedule with a particular project or all projects. If an entity is in the wrong project, it will not be listed in the intended schedule. You will need to transfer the entity to the correct project.
You can import selected entities of one job file into another, placed in a separate project in AGi32. Users can work on different parts of same project and merge them together for the final presentation.
You may also choose to break up luminaires into multiple projects, so that you can break up the Luminaire Location Summaries accordingly. If the projects remain unlocked and visible, the lighting calculations will not be affected.
Creating additional projects
- Right click in the Project table and select New.
- You will be prompted for a new Project Name.
- Project names must be unique.
- If you wish to create more than one new project, type in all of the names, separated by commas.
- Click OK.
To add entities to a new project, make the project current on your AGi32 desktop by selecting it from the Project pull-down menu. Projects must be On, Unfrozen and Unlocked to be able to be selected for entity addition.
Freezing and disabling projects
Projects can be frozen or disabled before or after calculation to prevent them from calculating and affecting/being affected by other projects. Frozen projects are displayed in Model Mode using the Frozen Entity Color (by default a neutral purple). Entities within frozen projects are not selectable or modifiable using any command in AGi32, including entity commands in Project Manager, until they are unfrozen.
- To freeze a project in AGi32, select the Freeze selection box.
- To make a project invisible and not calculate, uncheck the Enabled box instead.
Transferring entities between projects
Entities may be transferred between projects at any time, as long as the projects are already created and Unlocked/Visible. This allows you to create all entities within one project, then separate them or move a mistakenly placed entity to the proper project.
To transfer entities between projects, you have two options. Within Project manager, select the entities you wish to transfer (one entity type at a time) and select Transfer from the secondary menu, accessed by right clicking anywhere in the Entity table. Alternatively, you may select multiple entity types at once through graphical selection with the Modify-Project-Transfer Entity command (available from the Project Manager pull-down menu on the Control Bar). Note: The latter option is not available in Reports mode.
Password Protecting Projects
Projects may be password protected to prevent others from modifying the content of the project without entering the associated password. Projects must be locked before they can be password protected.
Deleting projects
Select the project to be deleted then click the Delete keyboard key. Alternately, you may select Delete from the secondary menu available by right clicking in the Project table.
Project Table
Secondary Menu Options |
Functionality |
Load |
Load entities for individual/group modification. |
Name |
Project Names are modifiable. Names must be unique |
Imported |
Indicates whether project was imported into current AGi32 file. |
Freeze |
This option allows you to remove entire project from calculations. Project is still visible but cannot be modified until it is Unfrozen. In Project Manager, a project that is Frozen is colored Gray in the Project list. |
Enabled |
By unchecking the Enabled box, you may remove an entire project from calculations and make it invisible. Project cannot be modified until it is Enabled. In Project Manager, a project that is disabled is colored Gray in the Project list. |
Lock |
Locking a project makes its internal entities not modifiable - entities are visible but cannot be edited, moved, deleted, etc, unless project is unlocked. In Project Manager, a layer that is Locked is colored Yellow in the Entity list. |
Color By (Entity, Project) |
By default, entities within a project are displayed with their individually specified line color. To colorize all entities using a single Project Color, choose Color By Project |
Color |
Specify Project Color to apply in conjunction with Color By Project column. By default, Project Color is Black. |
The Summary column indicates the entity count within each project. Entities are abbreviated. The following abbreviations apply: L - Luminaires O - Objects R - Rooms SA - Statistical Areas LA - LPD/UWLR Areas S - Schedules D - Drawing Entities or Layers For example: 94-L indicates 94 luminaire locations. |
New |
This secondary menu option allows you to add a new project to the job file. |
Copy |
This secondary menu option allows you to copy all the entities within the current project to another defined project (defined project must be existing and unlocked, on and unfrozen). |
Protect / Unprotect |
This secondary menu option allows you to password protect locked projects to prevent unauthorized modifications. |
Delete |
This secondary menu option allows you to delete the current project and all entities within. |
Transfer |
This secondary menu option allows you to transfer all the entities within the current project to another defined project (defined project must be existing and unlocked, on and unfrozen). |
Select All |
This secondary menu option allows you to select all projects. |
Hint: You can also select all Projects at once by clicking in the upper left corner of the Project table.
Managing imported CAD files
When a DXF or DWG file is imported into AGi32, the layers selected are retained individually by default. You can use Project Manager and the Identify Entity tool in concert to clean up your DWG/DXF background in AGi32.
- Use the Tools-Identify Entity command to identify on which layer the drawing entities reside. The third line in the Identify Entity dialog defines the layer information.
- In Project Manager, the DWG/DXF background is stored in its own project named<DXF or DWG name>--<Import date>--<Import Time>. Load the CAD project to be modified.
- To lock all or part of an imported CAD file, apply the lock option. This allows you to view the CAD background but protect it from modification (so it remains a static piece of information). This is very valuable when trying to align multiple CAD files to a fixed location (e.g. align an elevation view with a plan view).
- Select the layers you wish to make invisible and then uncheck the Enable box. Alternatively, you may delete the layers with the Delete keyboard key or from the secondary menu. Disabling a layer allows you to restore the layer at a future time, whereas Delete is a permanent change.
- To hide the entire background, click on the selection row in the upper left corner of the Entity table. Right click and select Invisible or Delete from the secondary menu. For example, you may wish to strip the background to import an updated CAD drawing or to export only AGi32 layers.
Entity Management
When entities are modified in Project Manager only the current entities are affected. For example, when switching aiming vectors off, the aiming vectors for all the current luminaires are switched off. Any new luminaires added with the Locate Luminaire command and Locate and Aim will have visible aiming vectors. However, modifying the luminaires within the graphics environment (moving, copying) will result in the aiming vectors remaining off if the selected luminaire have this attribute assigned.
Table options
Within the Entity table, each modification option applies only to an individual entity. To make modifications to multiple entities at once, the secondary menu must be used (you cannot click in the selection box once multiple entities are selected; the selection will change to the current row).
The column widths may be increased or decreased as needed. This may make it easier to read long column entries. To do this, position your mouse over the vertical edge between two column headers. When you see the double-headed arrow, hold down your left mouse button and slide the mouse to the right or left to change the widths of the adjacent columns.
Multiple Select
To select multiple entities, use standard Windows selection methods:
- To select adjacent entities select the first entity (by clicking in the left most column - the row marker). An arrow will appear within the row marker and the entire row will be highlighted.
- While depressing the Shift key on the keyboard, the select the last row to mark the end of the selection set. All rows in between will be highlighted as well.
- To select non-adjacent entities, select the first entity (by clicking in the left most column - the row marker). An arrow will appear within the row marker and the entire row will be highlighted.
- While depressing the Ctrl key on the keyboard, select each row marker to continue adding to the selection set.
- You may use these selection methods in combination with each other as required.
- To select all entities within the Entity table, click on the upper left cell in the corner of the Entity table. All rows will be selected.
Secondary menu
A secondary menu is revealed by selecting one or more entities (see Multiple Select, above) and then right clicking in the Entity table. The options within the menu will vary based on the current entity type. For most common options, the selections will be available directly in the secondary menu. These and less common options may also be available from the Bulk Edit option, listed at the top of the menu for certain entity types.
Copy - The Copy option allows you to copy the selected entities to the current project or another project. Entities will exist in the same locations in both projects and may interfere with one another unless the entities or projects are switch off or frozen. Once copied over, the entities may be modified as required.
Transfer - The Transfer option allows you to move the selected entities to another project. Once transferred, the entities may be modified in any available manner.
Only projects that are not locked, frozen of off will be available for selection.
Entity Types and Available Options
Entity |
Available Options |
Functionality |
Drawing |
AGi32 created and Imported Projects |
Layer Names are not modifiable |
Enabled |
Disabling a layer makes its internal entities invisible. In Project Manager, a layer that is disabled is colored Gray in the Entity list. |
Lock |
Locking a layer makes its internal entities not modifiable - entities are visible but cannot be edited, moved, deleted, etc, unless layer is unlocked. In Project Manager, a layer that is Locked is colored Yellow in the Entity list. |
Layer-Color By (Entity, Layer) |
By default, entities are displayed with their individually specified line color. To colorize all entities using a single Layer Color, choose Color By Layer |
Layer Color |
Specify Layer Color to apply in conjunction with Color By Layer column. By default, Layer Color is Black. |
Schedule |
Schedule Name |
Schedules are shown individually. Schedule Names are not modifiable in Project Manager (modifiable by editing schedules). |
Enabled |
Disabling a schedule makes it invisible. In Project Manager, a schedule that is disabled is colored Gray in the Entity list. |
Lock |
Locking a schedule makes it not modifiable - the schedule is visible and updates automatically if the data within changes but it cannot be edited, moved, deleted, etc, unless the schedule is unlocked. In Project Manager, a schedule that is Locked is colored Yellow in the Entity list. |
Line Vis |
This option indicates the visibility of the schedule gridlines. By default, gridlines are visible. |
Line Color |
This option allows you to change the grid line color. |
Font Color |
This option allows you to change the font color. All text fields will have this color applied, even fields previously assigned a field color. |
Reference Point |
This field indicates the insertion point of the schedule for location reference. |
Object |
Label |
Objects are shown individually. Object labels are modifiable in Project Manager (can also be modified by editing objects). |
Description |
This field displays the object description and is modifiable in Project Manager |
Enabled |
Disabling an object off makes it invisible. In Project Manager, an object that is disabled is colored Gray in the Entity list. |
Lock |
Locking an object makes it not modifiable - the object is visible and participates in the calculations but it cannot be edited, moved, deleted, etc, unless the object is unlocked. In Project Manager, an object that is Locked is colored Yellow in the Entity list. |
Color |
This option allows you to change the object wireframe color. |
Labeling |
This option allows you to add Object Labeling options (Object, Component and Component Surface). A Labeling Flag is shown if Labels are applied (3 digit number, each number indicates an option in the correlated Object Labeling tab). |
Reference Point |
This field indicates a point on the object for location reference. |
Bulk Edit |
This secondary menu option allows you to make global changes to a selection set of objects. |
Surface Edit |
This secondary menu option allows you to use the Surface Edit command incorporating the selection set of objects. |
Room |
Label |
Rooms are shown individually. Room labels are modifiable in Project Manager (can also be modified by editing rooms). |
Description |
This field displays the room description and is modifiable in Project Manager. |
Enabled |
Disabling a room makes it invisible. In Project Manager, a room that is disabled is colored Gray in the Entity list. |
Lock |
Locking a room makes it not modifiable - the room is visible and participates in the calculations but it cannot be edited, moved, deleted, etc, unless the room is unlocked. In Project Manager, a room that is Locked is colored Yellow in the Entity list. |
Color |
This option allows you to change the room wireframe color. |
Labeling |
This option allows you to add Room Labeling options (Room and Room Surface). A Labeling Flag is shown if Labels are applied (3 digit number, each number indicates an option in the correlated Room Labeling tab). |
Reference Point |
This field indicates a point on the room for location reference. |
Bulk Edit |
This secondary menu option allows you to make global changes to a selection set of rooms. |
Surface Edit |
This secondary menu option allows you to use the Surface Edit command incorporating the selection set of rooms. |
CalcPts* |
Label |
Calculation Point entities are shown individually. Calc point entity Labels are modifiable in Project Manager (can also be modified by editing calculation points). |
CalcType | Indicates the type of calculation. Examples: Illuminance, Veiling Luminance, Daylight Factor, etc. | |
Obs |
This field indicates if there is a IES or CIE observer (only valid for Glare calculation grids) |
Description |
This field displays the calculation point description and is modifiable in Project Manager. |
Enabled |
Disabling a calc point entity makes it invisible and not calculate. In Project Manager, a calc point entity that is disabled is colored Gray in the Entity list. |
Lock |
Locking a calc point entity makes it not modifiable - the calc point entity is visible and participates in the calculations but it cannot be edited, moved, deleted, etc, unless the calc point entity is unlocked. In Project Manager, a calc point entity that is Locked is colored Yellow in the Entity list. |
Vis |
Turning a calc point entity invisible makes both the calculation points and Isoline lines invisible. The calc point entity will still calculate. In Project Manager, a calc point entity that is Invisible is colored Light Gray in the Entity list. |
PtsVis |
This option allows you to make the point by point values within the calc point entity Invisible (e.g. to only show Isolines). |
PtsView |
By default, point by point values and Isolines (if visible) are displayed in all views. This option allows you to allocate the point by point values for one particular calculation entity to one specific view. Note: multiple views are only available if defined in View Manager and the views are visible. If a calculation is assigned to a view that is later made invisible (e.g. no longer selected in View Manager), the calculation will not be visible. |
IsoVis |
This option allows you to make the Isolines within the calc point entity Invisible (e.g. to only show point by point values). |
IsoView |
By default, point by point values and Isolines (if visible) are displayed in all views. This option allows you to allocate the Isoline values for one particular calculation entity to one specific view. Note: multiple views are only available if defined in View Manager and the views are visible. If Isolines are assigned to a view that is later made invisible (e.g. no longer selected in View Manager), the Isolines will not be visible. |
LnVis |
This option allows you to control the visibility of the Grid Perimeter Lines (perimeter lines are Invisible by default). |
Sum |
This option allows you to control the inclusion of the calculation summary in the Statistics Window. By default, the summary for every calculation entity is included in the Statistics Window. Note: The Summary Visibility also pertains to the inclusion of the selected calculation point entities in their corresponding Schedules. |
Label |
This option allows you to add Calculation Points Labeling options (First Point, Each Point, Each Line and Observer Positions). A Labeling Flag is shown if Labels are applied (3 digit number, each number indicates an option in the correlated Calculation Points Labeling tab). |
Color |
This option allows you to change the point by point and perimeter gridlines color. |
Luminaire |
Lum No. |
The luminaire number is shown for reference purposes. To renumber all luminaires in the project, right click to display the secondary menu and select Renumber. Luminaire labels may be displayed in Model mode with the Specify Luminaire Labels command. Note: Luminaires that are Locked or Disabled will not be renumbered; their Luminaire Numbers will remain unchanged. |
Label |
Luminaires are shown individually. The luminaire label option allows you to replace the current luminaire "type" with an alternate from a selection of defined luminaires. Luminaire Labels are not modifiable in Project Manager (modifiable by relabeling luminaires in Define Luminaire command). |
Enabled |
This option allows you to change the calculation status of luminaires. When unchecked (disabled), luminaires are both invisible and do not participate in the lighting calculations. In Project Manager, a luminaire that is not Enabled is colored Gray in the Entity list. If a user-defined Scene is active, the "Enabled" selection affects all luminaires in the same Channel, as well as the Channel status. For example, if you uncheck the Enabled column for one luminaire, all luminaires in the same Channel are disabled. |
Lock |
Locking a luminaire makes it not modifiable - the luminaire is visible and participates in the calculations but it cannot be edited, moved, deleted, etc, unless the luminaire is unlocked. In Project Manager, a luminaire that is Locked is colored Yellow in the Entity list. |
Channel |
This option allows you to change the Channel of the selected luminaire(s). |
AimVis |
This option allows you to control the visibility of Aiming Vectors for the selected luminaires. By default Aiming vectors are visible. Only luminaires located with Locate and Aim have aiming vectors visible. |
TempVis |
This option allows you to control the visibility of Templates for the selected luminaires. By default Templates are visible. Luminaire Templates must be defined to be displayed in Model Mode (i.e. both definition and visibility must be enabled to visualize templates in Model Mode). |
WebVis |
This option allows you to control the visibility of Photometric Webs for the selected luminaires. By default Photometric Webs are invisible. Photometric Webs use the current Photometric Web Specifications when made visible. |
LabelVis |
This option allows you to control the visibility of luminaire labels. By default labels are visible. Luminaire Labels must be specified (e.g. ON and attributes defined) to be displayed in Model Mode (i.e. both specification and visibility must be enabled to visualize labels in Model Mode). |
Insertion Point |
This field indicates the insertion point of the luminaire for location reference. |
Renumber |
This secondary menu option allows you to renumber all the luminaires in the project and select the starting number. Numbers have to be numeric (no letters) and have positive value. |
Label |
LPD/UWLR Areas are shown individually. LPD/UWLR Areas labels are modifiable in Project Manager (can also be modified by editing LPD/UWLR Areas). |
Enabled |
Disabling an LPD/UWLR Area makes it invisible and not calculate. In Project Manager, an LPD/UWLR Area that is disabled is colored Gray in the Entity list. |
Lock |
Locking an LPD/UWLR Area makes it not modifiable - the LPD/UWLR Area is visible and participates in the calculations but it cannot be edited, moved, deleted, etc, unless the LPD/UWLR Area is unlocked. In Project Manager, an LPD/UWLR Area that is Locked is colored Yellow in the Entity list. |
LineVis |
This option allows you to control the visibility of the LPD/UWLR Area Perimeter Lines (perimeter lines are visible by default). |
SumStatus |
This option allows you to control the inclusion of the LPD/UWLR Area summary in the Statistics Window. By default, the summary for every LPD/UWLR Area is included in the Statistics Window. Note: The Summary Visibility also pertains to the inclusion of the selected calculation point entities in their corresponding Schedules. |
Line Color |
This option allows you to change the LPD/UWLR Area perimeter line color. |
LabelVis | This option allows you to control the visibility of the LPD/UWLR Label. (Selected by default.) | |
Labeling | Click the little down-arrow to open the LPD/UWLR Labeling dialog. | |
Reference Point |
This field indicates the first specified point of the LPD/UWLR Area for location reference. |
Statistical Area |
Label |
Statistical Areas are shown individually. Statistical Areas labels are modifiable in Project Manager (can also be modified by editing Statistical Areas). |
Enabled |
Disabling a Statistical Area makes it invisible and not calculate. In Project Manager, a Statistical Area that is disabled is colored Gray in the Entity list. |
Lock |
Locking a Statistical Area makes it not modifiable - the Statistical Area is visible and participates in the calculations but it cannot be edited, moved, deleted, etc, unless the Statistical Area is unlocked. In Project Manager, a Statistical Area that is Locked is colored Yellow in the Entity list. |
LineVis |
This option allows you to control the visibility of the Statistical Area Perimeter Lines (perimeter lines are visible by default). |
SumStatus |
This option allows you to control the inclusion of the Statistical Area summary in the Statistics Window. By default, the summary for every Statistical Area is included in the Statistics Window. Note: The Summary Visibility also pertains to the inclusion of the selected calculation point entities in their corresponding Schedules. |
Line Color |
This option allows you to change the Statistical Area perimeter line color. |
Labeling | Click the little down-arrow to open the Statistical Area Labeling dialog. | |
Reference Point |
This field indicates the first specified point of the Statistical Area for location reference. |
* Note: Applying certain functions to one or more grids in a roadway calculation family affects all grids in the family. For example, if you select and delete the Luminance grid,all other grids in the same family (specified together in the same dialog) are also deleted, i.e., Illuminance, Veiling Luminance and Visibility (STV). This is done to prevent dependent grids from being disassociated. For example, Veiling Luminance requires Luminance, Target Luminance and Background Luminance in order to be calculated. This applies to the following functions in Project Manager:
- Selecting from the grid itself: Delete (Del key), Status (Enabled), and Lock Status.
- Selecting from secondary menu: Copy, Delete, Transfer, Enabled, Disabled, Lock, and Unlock.
Importing AGi32 job files into other AGi32 job files
You may create a conglomerate of individual job files in one master AGi32 file by using the Import command. Each job file is imported into its own project in the master job file. If the imported job file contains multiple projects, these will be combined into one project, as nested projects are not allowed in AGi32.
Imported Project |
Import Option |
Description |
Project Name |
A unique project name must be entered. |
Locked |
A project may be imported in a Locked state if required. By default, projects are imported Unlocked. |
Color By Entity or Project |
By default, entities are displayed with their individually specified line color. To colorize all entities using a single Project Color, choose Color By Project. |
Offset |
An imported project may be offset from its original location to account for other entities in the master job file. For example, you may wish to import three job files of the same room with different lighting configurations. To prevent the rooms from overlaying on each other, use an Offset distance to separate them. The offset distance is specified using the current display units in the master job file (feet or meters). Specify the offset distance in the X, Y and Z directions. |
Entities to Import |
Drawing |
Drawing entities created in AGi32 are imported as well as any DXF import projects (combined into current project) |
Text |
Text created in AGi32 is imported |
Schedules |
Schedules are imported |
LPD/UWLR Areas |
LPD/UWLR Areas are imported |
Statistical Areas |
Statistical Areas are imported |
Calculation Points |
Calculation Points are imported |
Rooms |
Rooms are imported |
Objects |
Objects are imported |
Luminaire Types and Locations |
Import luminaire types and locations |
Some tips:
- When importing job files with the same background, only import the background once.
- Create a title block file by saving a job file with a title block, text and schedules.
- Use meaningful project names.
The Preview option allows you to see project and entity level modifications in Model Mode. The Statistical Summary form is not updated when Apply is invoked.
Project Map
The Map button displays a project map for the current job file detailing the project and entity structure within Project Manager. The Project Map may be printed if desired.
Modification Tracking
Each modification type is tracked and displayed in the Modifications section. Property modifications do not require a recalculation. Entity modifications require recalculation. Modifications are applied to the AGi32 file instantaneously even if the visual modifications are not applied. For example, switching an entity off then on again will require recalculation, unless the Cancel button is applied.
Column Sorting
Both project and entity fields may be sorted in ascending order for any modification type. By default projects are sorted by project name, entities are sorted by entity label.
Note: Clicking the "Cancel" button undoes any project additions or modifications.