Luminaire Photometric Web/Indicator - Specification

The Luminaire Photometric Web/Indicator Settings dialog allows you to specify how (and whether) to display the candela curves, maximum candela indicator, and orientation indicator associated with luminaire photometric data in AGi32. Displaying this information can be very helpful to ensure proper luminaire placement and aiming when working in AGi32.

The default condition is that Temporary is selected and Orientation Indicator is selected.

Temporary vs General Visibility Options

Temporary: When selected, this option allows the display of photometric webs, maximum candela indicators, and/or orientation indicators (as selected in the dialog) during placement or modification (e.g., moving) of luminaires. At all other times, they will be off (not visible). This gives the user the advantage of seeing the webs and indicators during placement and orientation without the added overhead of webs that are continuously displayed. (Enabled webs can have a serious impact on the performance of the program if there are a lot of luminaire locations.)

Visibility options: For persistent (continuous) display of photometric webs/indicators for luminaires that are already present, click on the down-arrow next to the Photometric Web/Indicator button and select one of the Visibility options. This may also be done in Project Manager. Individual photometric webs/indicators may be toggled on/off by simply clicking on the Photometric Web/Indicator button, selecting the luminaire(s), and right-clicking to complete the command. Note: the Photometric Web/Indicator Settings dialog determines what will be displayed when they are toggled on.

Photometric Web (candela curves)

The Photometric Web (candela curves) section provides the parameters to control Resolution, Line Width, Line Color and Scaling variables for the three-dimensional wireframe representation of the candela curves.

Resolution - Resolution determines the number and density of the angles displayed. Click on the Concepts tab at the top of this dialog for more information.

Line Width - The default line width for photometric webs is 0 (one pixel wide). You may specify an alternate width using the current units (feet or meters). Wider photometric web lines may increase the photometric web clarity against the background when printing or when using light photometric web colors against a light screen background.

Line Color - There are three options for specifying the Line Color of the photometric web: Set, Same As Symbol, or Colorize (RGB).

Candela Value


> 80% of Max. Cd.


> 60% of Max. Cd.


> 40% of Max. Cd.


> 20% of Max. Cd.


<= 20% of Max. Cd.


Scaling - The candela curves may be scaled per 1000 candelas (scale of photometric web based on strength of photometric distribution) or per the maximum candela value (scale of photometric web is constant across all distributions).

For Example: Luminaire A: Max. Cd = 5000, Luminaire B: Max. Cd = 20000, scaling factor per 1000 candelas = 1.

Luminaire A – The candela curve containing the maximum candela value will be 5000/1000 = 5 (ft or m) from the insertion point at its greatest point

Luminaire B - The candela curve containing the maximum candela value will be 20000/1000 = 20 (ft or m) from the insertion point at its greatest point (equivalent to this photometric web appearing 4 times larger than Luminaire A's photometric web).

Maximum Candela Indicator

The Maximum Candela Indicator is a line representing the angle at which the maximum candela value occurs. Depending on the luminaire's horizontal photometric distribution symmetry, more than one Maximum Candela Indicator line may be displayed:

Line Width - The default line width for the Maximum Candela Indicator is 0 (one pixel wide). You may specify an alternate width using the current units (ft. or meters). Wider Maximum Candela Indicator lines may increase the line's visibility against the background when printing or when using light photometric web colors against a light screen background.

Line Color - Click in the Color field to specify the color to use for the Maximum Candela Indicator line.

Length Factor - The Scaling Factor determines the length of the Maximum Candela Indicator line relative to the maximum candela curve (curve containing the maximum candela value). A value >1 insures that the Maximum Candela Indicator line will extend beyond the largest candela curve making it easier to distinguish from the candela curves.

Orientation Indicator

The Orientation Indicator shows the orientation of the luminaire (the angle at which photometric horizontal angle 0 is pointing). The Orientation Indicator can be enabled alone or in conjunction with candela curves and max candela indicators.

This is a nice light weight option to use for aid in placing and orienting luminaires as it uses less overhead than do photometric webs.

Line Width - The default line width for the Orientation Indicator is 0 (one pixel wide). You may specify an alternate width using the current units (ft. or meters). Wider Orientation Indicator lines may increase the line's visibility against the background when printing or when using light photometric web colors against a light screen background.

Line Color - Click in the Color field to specify the color to use for the Orientation Indicator line.

Size Factor - The Size Factor is simply a multiplier applied to the default display size for the Orientation Indicator. For example, a Size Factor of 2 will cause the Orientation Indicator to be twice as long as it its default length.