Template Specifications

The Template Specifications tab allows you to set up the Luminaire Arrangement, Template Isolines and Scale and visually see the results. You can also select an Optimum Mounting Height to produce the largest coverage of a specified Isoline using the given arrangement. Each section of the dialog is discussed in detail below.

Creating Templates

  1. Highlight the photometric files or files you wish to use, then select the Template Tool from the PTB Tools Toolbar. Each photometric file will open its own instance of the Template Tool.
  2. Verify that the Lumens per lamp, Light Loss Factor and Input/Output Units are correct. You may change the scale if desired, as well.
  3. Select an Arrangement that you wish to view a template for. You can create a custom Arrangement by selecting the "Specify Locations" option.
  4. Specify the desired Mounting Height and Arm Length and/or Offset values.
  5. You may customize your symbol, template Isolines, and Luminaire Layout if you wish.
  6. Output options: Templates may be printed or saved in DXF format from the Template Tool.

General Setup

This section specifies general luminaire criteria, in addition to units and scaling choices.

Lumens per Lamp - This textbox contains the per lamp lumens extracted from the photometric file. You may prorate the lamp lumens to increase or decrease its output unless the photometric file is based on absolute photometry. In which case, the Lumens Per Lamp can not be changed.

Light Loss Factor - This setting specifies the maintenance factor used. The default LLF value is 1.  Recommending LLF values is beyond the scope of this Help documentation; See the IESNA Lighting Handbook for recommended values.

Scale - Enter the scale (English) or ratio (Metric) to be used when printing the template. The screen representation will be relative in size when the distribution is compared with the surrounding border.

Input and Output Units - You can mix or match units as desired. For example: If your Input units are feet and you want the illuminance levels in footcandles, select the appropriate radio buttons and enter all dimensions in feet and Isoline values in footcandles. You can change units at any time, just be aware that there is a big difference between 10 feet and 10 meters in mounting height!

Template Isoline Values

You can assign anywhere from one to nine Isoline values for your template. By default, all of the Isoline values are selected and assigned an initial value (from 0.1 to 50).  Values are in Footcandles or Lux depending on your units selection.

You may change the specified values, colors and selections as desired.

Hint: If you are planning on using the template for site lighting design be sure and select meaningful contours based on your design minimum. For example: With a design minimum of 0.5 fc you will need contours of 0.125 footcandle (one quarter minimum), 0.25 (one half minimum) and 0.5 (your minimum). You really do not need more - it just clutters up the template so that you can not see to match lines.

Luminaire Setup

This section prompts you to select an arrangement and specify the luminaire positions relative to the center of the template (0, 0). You may use a factory arrangement or create your own.

Arrangement - Select an Arrangement from the Arrangement pull-down menu.

Symbol - The default luminaire symbol used in the Template Tool is an arrow. You may change the default, by clicking in the Symbol cell.

Luminaire Layout

This section displays the X, Y and Z coordinate for each luminaire in the arrangement and its corresponding aiming parameters. You may change each of the values shown here to modify the template (e.g. change the X coordinate, apply a Tilt angle, etc.).

Saving a custom arrangement

Click the Save Layout button to save the current layout as a custom arrangement.

Optimize MH

Click the Optimize MH button to find the optimum Mounting Height for this layout to produce the largest area of coverage.

Exporting DXFs

Click the DXF button to export the current layout and Template as a DXF file.


Print the current template by clicking on the Print button. The Template is printed using the current Output Related settings and the template size specified in the Settings dialog.  When printing, select the proper media size to print large format templates.