Find Calculation Points by Value
It is not unusual to have thousands of calculated values in an AGi32 model. You might look at the statistical summary and wonder, where are those low values?! Use the Find Calculated Value(s) command from the toolbar to locate points within various ranges. These points can be removed if desired.
The values are indicated with a temporary marker whose size and color can be set. The markers remain visible until the next command is initiated.
1. From the main toolbar, click on Tools, then Find Calculation Points by Value, or click on the button .
2. You may enter values several ways:
- Enter individual values separated by commas. Example: 2.5, 3.0, 3.5. Will search for all locations of each of these values.
- Enter a range: 25-50. Example: Will search for all values between 25 and 50, inclusive.
- Combination of individual values and ranges. Example: 4, 10-15, 0.5. Will search for all instances of the value 4; any values between 10 and 15, inclusive; and all instances of the value 0.5.
3. Use different Values text boxes if different colors are desired. Change a color by clicking in the color box and selecting a new color.
4. The number of points found that meet the indicated search criteria is indicated next to the color box.
5. Click on Remove Points if you wish to remove the calculation points found by the command. Be aware that this cannot be undone. You can use the Replace Points command from the Calculation Toolkit to replace removed points.
6. To set all dialog parameters back to factory settings, click on Reset Defaults.
7. Press the Enter key or click on Find Now to update the search and keep the dialog open.
8. Click Close to update the search and close the dialog.
Additional Notes
- Use the Values check boxes to turn on/off the search for those values without having to change or clear the Values text box.
- The size of the temporary marker can be increased or decreased via the Point Marker Scaling Factor
- The dialog's settings are saved and restored per the "Entity Dialog Defaults" setting in Tools - System Settings.
- These markers are temporary and only remain visible until the next command is initiated. For permanent indicators, use the Highlight Values command.