Drawing Entity Concepts - Schedules
Schedules allow you to provide information about your application in a clear and concise way. Schedules are dynamic entities that extract pertinent information automatically from the current job file. Schedules update themselves automatically if the information in the job file changes. Each schedule type relates to a particular category (rooms, luminaires, calculations, etc.), and the items available for selection are limited to those appropriate for that category.
By default, AGi32 is shipped with predefined schedules for each category. You may customize the schedules to show more or less information, order and size the columns to your specifications, create and label user -defined columns, and even specify how much data is in each schedule. Your custom schedules can be saved outside of the current job file so that you can reuse them in any other job file using the Save button in the upper left corner of the dialog.
Schedules can be added to the Model Mode display or to Reports. The primary difference between these schedules is schedule size, specifically text size. AGi32 allows you to save your schedules in either mode (Model Mode - text size in feet or meters; Reports Mode - text size in inches or mm) depending on the units of the job file. Schedule settings and defaults are tracked separately in Model Mode and Reports.
The Project Name row is only included in the specified schedule if a specific Project is selected. If All Projects ( the default option) is selected, the Project Name row is not included in the schedule.
If a user-defined Scene is active, the Scene name will be added to the top of the schedule, below the schedule name.
Text Wrapping
Text that exceeds cell width is broken into multiple rows as needed and row size adjusted accordingly. AGi32 uses the following rules when breaking long strings of text: Possible break points (in order): Space " ", Non-Breaking Space (used with attributes), Dash " - ", Underscore " _ ", Right Parenthesis " ) ", Right Bracket " ] " and Right Brace " } ". If no break point is found, text is chopped.
See File Compatibility Knowledgebase Article
Schedule Name
To select from a list of your custom saved schedules (and a few factory provided ones), choose the schedule you are interested in from the Schedule Name menu. AGi32 ships with four predefined (custom) Calculation Summary schedules for your use -- Calculation Summary - Daylight Factor, Calculation Summary - Glare Rating, Calculation Summary - Roadway, and Calculation Summary - Unified Glare Rating (UGR).
Schedules you save will be added to this list. You may also modify any of the existing schedules and save them as your own (with a unique name).
Select from the available schedule types by scrolling through the Schedule Type menu. The default schedules, except for the Luminaire Location Summaries, are all unique and extract information about a particular entity type (rooms, luminaires, calculation points, etc.). The tables below illustrates the defaults and available fields within each Schedule type.
Note: The defaults shown are pre-selected for your convenience. You may select additional fields to create custom schedules of your own.
Schedule Type |
Description |
Available Fields |
Luminaire Schedule |
Summarizes specified luminaire types.
Note: The Symbol-Iso selection provides an Isometric Symbol view; the Symbol selection provides a Plan view of the Symbol.
TIP: To increase the symbol size without increasing the text size, increase the Row Spacing. This will increase the height of each row while maintaining the same text size.
Housing and Luminous Color are displayed as a color swatch, not RGB values. |
Defaults: Symbol, Qty, Label, Arrangement, Description, Tag, LLF, Luminaire Lumens, Luminaire Watts, Total Watts. |
Luminaire Tag Summary |
Summarizes luminaire locations by Tag. Note: Summary is sorted by Tag. Sorting is most effective with non-numeric Tags. |
Defaults: Tag, Qty. |
Calculation Summary |
Summarizes calculation point metrics and Statistical Areas summaries along with their corresponding numerical analysis criteria. |
Defaults: Label, CalcType, Units, Avg, Max, Min, Avg/Min, Max/Min |
LPD Area Summary |
Summarizes LPD Areas and their corresponding numerical analysis criteria. |
Defaults: Label, Area, Total Watts, LPD. |
UWLR Area Summary |
Summarizes UWLR Areas and their corresponding numerical analysis criteria. |
Defaults: Label, Area, UWLR |
Luminaire Location Summary |
Summarizes specified luminaire locations. Arrangements and Groups are listed as single entities with the Arrangement/Group Insertion Point as the location. For pole-mounted luminaires, X & Y refer to the pole location. |
Defaults: Luminaire Number, Label, Insertion point coordinates (X, Y, Z), Orient, Tilt. |
Expanded Luminaire Location Summary |
Summarizes specified luminaire locations in expanded format. Arrangements and Groups are dissected into their individual locations; i.e., X and Y refer to the location of the individual luminaires in the Arrangement or Group. |
Defaults: Luminaire Number, Label, Insertion point coordinates (X, Y, Z), Luminaire coordinates (X, Y, Z), Orient, Tilt, Aiming point coordinates (X, Y, Z). |
Object Summary |
Summarizes specified Objects in brief. Detailed surface information is available from the Print-Text command. |
Defaults: Label, Type, Description. |
Room Summary |
Summarizes specified Rooms in brief. Detailed surface information is available from the Room Surface Summary schedule or the Print-Text command. |
Defaults: Label, Type, Wall Height, Description. |
Room Surface Summary | Summarizes most surface properties for all surfaces in all Rooms |
Defaults: Room, Label, Color, Reflect. |
Daylight Summary |
Summarizes the current Daylighting settings. |
Defaults: Site Name, Latitude, Longitude, Compass, Date, Time, Sky Conditions.
Scene Summary | Summarizes the active Scene, including the status of its Channels and luminaires. |
Defaults: Channel, Switched, Dimming, LumNo, Label.
Scene/Channel Summary | Summarizes all active channels in a Scene |
Defaults: Channel, Switched, Dimming, # Lums.
Isoline Legend * | Dynamically reflects current Isoline settings and can be created for any of the calculation metrics available in Isolines. |
Defaults: Color, Value |
Schedule Description
The Schedule Description will appear in the Header line for each schedule of that type. You can enter your own description in the field if desired. If you wish to save your changes, save the schedule with a different name using the Save icon in the upper left corner of the dialog.
Attach to Project
The schedule may pull data across all projects or one specific project (Projects are created and maintained in Project Manager). If desired, select which project (if more than one exists) this schedule will reference. The Project Name row is only included in the specified schedule if a specific Project is selected. If All Projects ( the default option) is selected, the Project Name row is not included in the schedule.
Metric Type (Isoline legend only)
The pull-down menu allows you to select the applicable calculation metric (Illuminance, Luminance, etc.). If you have multiple metrics, a separate Isoline Legend must be created for each desired metric type (i.e., cannot combine them in one legend due to different units types). Note: An Isoline Legend will only be populated with Color and Value if the corresponding metric is enabled in the isoline dialog and values are defined.
Display Name File
The Display Name is the field's heading name that will be displayed in the schedule. By default, this is the same as the Field Name, but it can be changed by editing the Display Name field directly or by choosing a Display Name File that contains information on the desired changes. Display Name Files are conveniently used to display information in a language other than English. Currently you can select from French, Portuguese and Spanish.
See Topic Display Name File for more information.
Saving Schedules
Customized schedules can be saved for reuse with any job file. They can also be shared with other users. We suggest using a consistent naming convention for your schedules. We recommend the Schedule Type - Description format.
- Luminaire Schedule - With Cutoff Classification
- Luminaire Schedule - No Symbol
- Calculation Summary - IES Roadway
- Calculation Summary - CIE Roadway
Existing schedules in the current job files may also be saved without having to recreate them. Simply open the job file containing the customized schedule you'd like to reuse. Click the Edit Schedule button in the Drawing/Schedules Toolkit to invoke the Schedule Manager dialog. Then click the Save button and specify the schedule name.
Schedules are saved as Model Mode Schedules or Reports Mode Schedules, depending on which mode they were saved under. The Saved Schedule files are stored in ProgramData\AGi32\Schedules\Model Mode Schedules or ProgramData\AGi32\Schedules\Page Builder Schedules. To share these files, copy the desired files from the Schedules folder to the same folder on the target computer.
Once saved, the files appear in the Schedule Name menu within the Schedule Manager dialog.
Schedules can be removed from the Schedule Name menu by deleting them. The Schedule Files button in the Schedule Manager dialog allows you to remove schedules within AGi32, or you may delete them from the folder outside of AGi32 with Windows commands.
* Notes regarding Isoline Legend Schedules:
- An Isoline Legend will only be populated with Color and Value if the corresponding metric is enabled in the Isoline dialog and values are defined.
- A new Isoline legend must be created for each desired Metric Type (select from drop-down menu).
- Values are sorted by magnitude (smallest to largest).