
Unit settings

In System Settings, click on the Units tab to change the current distance and illuminance units. It is possible to "mix or match" US and SI units, e.g., meters and footcandles.

Display Units: Select Feet, Feet and Inches, or Meters for the units of distance.

Illuminance Units: Select Footcandles or Lux for the units of illuminance.

Number of Decimals: The default setting is 1 decimal place. It is often useful to increase this to two decimals for exterior lighting or reduce to zero for interior lighting calculations.

Numerical Ratios: Select the desired version of the Numerical Ratios: Avg/Min and Max/Min OR Min/Avg and Min/Max.


Numeric Precision Settings

These settings control the number of decimals applied to ALL calculations. For both Calculated Average and Numeric Ratios, you have the option to specify a Fixed number of displayed decimal places or to use the Offset option to specify that the displayed number of decimal places be larger than the basic metric by a specified number. For example: If the number of decimal places for illuminance has been set at 1 in the calculation point dialog and an Offset of 1 is specified in the Units area for Average, then the calculated average illuminance will be displayed with 1 + 1 or 2 decimal places. The maximum allowable precision is 4 decimal places.

Calculated Average: This applies to any calculated average value, e.g., illuminance, luminance, etc. The default is Fixed and 2 decimal places.

Numeric Ratios: This applies to any calculated ratios, e.g., Max/Min, Avg/Min, MaxLV Ratio, etc. The default is Fixed and 2 decimal places.


Additional Notes

System Settings