Adding LPD/UWLR Areas-Procedures

  1. From the Add menu choose Calculations - LPD/UWLR Area, or from the Calculations Toolkit select image\add_LPD_Area_button.jpg.
  2. Specify a unique label in the LPD/UWLR Area dialogbox, up to 32 characters long. The default label will be LPD/Area_1. Unless changed, subsequent labels will be LPD/Area_2, LPD/Area_3, etc. If a number is used for the label, subsequent labels will be incremented accordingly.
  3. An optional description may be entered if desired, up to 80 characters in length.
  4. The Summarize Project list indicates the project the LPD/UWLR Area will extract information from. The LPD/UWLR Area may be attached to one project (usually the current project) but summarize another project or all projects. For example, you may wish the LPD/UWLR Area to summarize a project containing only emergency luminaires although the LPD/UWLR Area is in another project. By default, LPD/UWLR Areas summarize all projects.
  5. The default Line Color is black. Exception: If this dialog is accessed from a Create Room dialog (via the Settings button), the default line color will be the same as the Room wireframe color. The Line Color can be changed by clicking in the color field and, in the dialog that opens, selecting a different color.
  6. Click on the Labeling button to select the information to be included as part of the LPD/UWLR Area label, which will be located adjacent to the LPD/UWLR Area in the job file. If desired, change the text font or text size. If no label is desired, click on the Clear Labeling button.
  7. In the Summary section, select the options you wish to quantify and display in association with this label in the Statistics window.
  8. You may set the calculation precision (number of decimals displayed) by clicking on the Precision button. This will open the Units portion of System Settings. Make any changes desired and then click OK to return to the LPD/UWLR Area dialog. Note: These Precision settings apply to all LPD/UWLR Areas.
  9. Creation Method: Choose whether to manually create boundary lines of LPD/UWLR Area or choose an existing line, room or object as the boundary line.
  10. Click OK. Follow the steps below depending on the selected creation method:

Specify a Polygon Manually

Create Polygon from Drawing Entity, Room or Object

  1. Locate the first point of the polygon and click the left mouse button.
  2. Move the cursor to the second vertex on the polygon and left click again.
  3. Continue in this fashion until the polygon is complete. Right click to close the polygon shape. The LPD/UWLR Area will be created.
  1. Locate the pickbox on the drawing entity line, object or room boundary you wish to use and left click.
  2. If a valid polygon is found (see Notes below), it will be displayed as a bold line, and the Polygon Search results dialog will appear:
  • Accept Polygon and Repeat - Select another polygon line as a template for another LPD/UWLR Area with the same properties. Use pickbox to select another closed polygon.
  • Accept Polygon - Create LPD/UWLR Area using selected entity as polygon boundary.
  • Reselect Entities - Choose this option if invalid polygon was found or if incorrect line was chosen. Use pickbox to select another closed polygon.
  • Manually Specify Polygon - Select vertices manually to specify polygon boundary, right clicking once all vertices are specified. This option is necessary if no valid polygon is found.
  • Cancel - Do not create LPD/UWLR Area.


  • Drawing Entity line segments do not need to be joined, just need to be within tolerances (2 decimals of precision - .05)
  • Line segments do not need to make a closed polygon - AGi32 will automatically close boundary line
  • AGi32 filters related lines by color.


  • Disconnected line segments or line segments disconnected by gap larger than tolerance level will not form valid polygon.
  • Polygons with intersecting lines will not form valid polygon.
  • Incomplete polygons are not valid, may close in an unacceptable manner.