The Settings dialog allows you to specify the default settings for the IES Road Report Tool.
Disable Copy Buttons
This option allows you to disable the Copy buttons for all report and graphic sections. Disabling the Copy buttons will result in those buttons disappearing from the Report sections. You will still be able to copy text information by highlighting the desired data and using CTRL-C.
Report Setup
The Report Setup section specifies which report sections are displayed within the IES Road Report Tool. Once a tab is hidden from view, it is no longer contained within the printed version of the report.
Summary Tab
This option specifies the display of the Summary tab in the IES Road Report.
Specifies that a banner image is included on the front page of the printed report.
Candela Array Tab
This option specifies the display of the Candela Array tab in the IES Road Report.
CU Graph and Zonal Lumens Tab
This option specifies the display of the CU Graph tab in the IES Road Report.
Polar Curves Tab
This option specifies the display of the Polar Curves tab in the IES Road Report. By default, the Polar Curves tab is displayed. To hide this tab, deselect the Polar Curves checkbox.
Line Weight
This setting specifies the Line Weight in pixels of the polar curves in the diagram. The default setting is 1 (one pixel).
Polar Curve Specification
The Polar Curves section also allows specification of the default vertical planes and horizontal cones displayed. You may specify the specific angular increments to display as well as curve colors.
Plot Extents
Specify whether to scale the polar plot based on the maximum candela value found in the selected photometric file or on a user defined Static value. Specifying a Static value allows you to compare several photometric files using the same plot extents.
Print Curves on Individual Pages
This option allows to create multiple page outputs with each polar curve being restricted to one graph.
Isolines Tab
This option specifies the display of the Isolines tab in the IES Road Report. By default, the Isolines tab is displayed. To hide this tab, deselect the Isolines checkbox.
Line Weight
This setting specifies the Line Weight in pixels of the Isolines. The default setting is 1 (one pixel).
1/2 Max Candela
Specifies that the 1/2 Max Candela curve is displayed and its default color.
Max Candela Point
Specifies that the Max Candela Value is displayed and its default color.
Iso-Illuminance Values
This section specifies the Iso-Illuminance units used in the report and the default color and values displayed within.
Mounting Height Basis
This setting specifies the default MH used to create the Isoline curves and the distance units used.
LCS Graph Tab
This option specifies the display of the LCS Graph tab in the IES Road Report. By default, the LCS Graph tab is displayed. To hide this tab, deselect the LCS Graph checkbox.
This section specifies the shading colors to be applied to the Front Downlight zones: Low, Medium, High and Very High. By default, green hues are specified.
This section specifies the shading colors to be applied to the Back Downlight zones: Low, Medium, High and Very High. By default, blue hues are specified.
Uplight (Front + Back)
This section specifies the shading colors to be applied to the Front and Back Uplight zones: Low and High. By default, red hues are specified.
Scaling Basis
This section determines the maximum values used to scale the graph. By default, the Maximum LCS Value is applied; however, the total lumens or a user defined lumen value may be used instead.
Display Type
This section determines which metric is used to generate the graph. By default, % Lamp Lumens is applied, however, the % luminaire lumens or Luminaire Lumen values may be used instead.
Reset Defaults
Selecting this button allows you to reapply the PTB factory defaults to the IES Road Report Tool.