Photometric Toolbox - Overview

Photometric Toolbox provides photometric software tools to create, edit, evaluate and report photometric files. Each tool in the toolbox provides separate functionality - e.g., the Open tool opens photometric files, the Viewing tool allows you to view the photometric web, etc. Each tool communicates with other visible tools and updates and redisplays the overall content as necessary. For example, if you edit a photometric file and change the photometric web content, the View tool would refresh itself and display the new photometric web, if it was visible.


Loaded Tools are placed into different menus depending on the Tool type:


The Photometric Toolbox desktop provides four areas of information:

  1. Tools Toolbar  - This area provides button access for all installed tools.
  2. Loaded Files List - This area indicates the file names for all loaded photometric files. Click on a photometric file, once loaded, to load it into any other tool (e.g. View or Report). You may select several files at a time to analyze with a particular Tool. Up to 25 photometric files may be loaded into PTB at any one time.
  3. Metrics (quick facts) - This area displays the basic metrics for a loaded photometric file (e.g. Number of Lamps, Lumens, luminous size, etc.). To see the metrics for a photometric file, simply click on the file name in the Loaded Files List.
  4. Desktop - The area where all open Tools are displayed. To enlarge this area, maximize PTB on your screen. Tools maximized within PTB will cover the Loaded Files List and Metrics to maximize working space when needed.