This dialog specifies the global settings for Photometric Toolbox . System parameters specified here are used by all applicable tools in PTB. You may change a setting on a tool by tool basis, after changing the global setting, if you desire.
Open Tool - Ignore Warnings - This setting ignores all photometric warnings when opening a file. Warnings are nonfatal problems that are logged when PTB opens a file and finds an inconsistency within (e.g. description error). This setting is disabled by default.
Activate Hints - The Activate Hints button redisplays all hints that have been previously disabled by the user.
Banner - The default banner used for all reporting and Template tools. You may select any image in bitmap (BMP), JPEG (JPG) or Windows metafile (WMF) format to print across of the printed output.
Units - Specify the default Input (Feet or Meters) and the Output units (Footcandles or Lux) used in PTB here. You may mix and match units as desired.
The Global System Settings command is available from the Tools menu.