Room Estimator - Print Layouts
This dialog allows you to select which layouts and/or layout comparison to print. Blank (unused) layouts will not appear in the dialog. Similarly, the Layout Comparison is only printed by default if two or more layouts have been created.
A custom banner may be appended to the top of each output page, if desired. To modify the current banner image, click on the Banner button or double click on the banner image.
- Select the layouts to print by clicking in the selection box adjacent to the layout name. A checkmark will appear in the box when it is enabled. Clear the selection box in order not to print the selected layout.
- To include the displayed banner as part of the input, click in the Include Banner selection box so that a check mark is shown.
- Specify a printer by clicking on the Print Setup button.
- Click Ok to print the selected items and return to Room Estimator.
Two views (Top and Southwest) of the room are printed in the right section of each layout page. If a graphic image is associated with the luminaire definition, it will be printed as well.