Multiple Page PDF Import

If a multiple-page PDF file is selected for a background image, the Multiple Page PDF Import dialog will open. The user may then select up to 8 pages from the PDF file using the Ctrl-select method. (Hold down the Ctrl key on your keyboard while clicking on the desired pages.)

If the PDF file has more than 12 pages, only the first 12 will be displayed. To see additional pages (range of pages), set the Starting page number to an appropriate value. If the desired pages have too many in between to display all at once, they may be loaded in stages by clicking the Load button in the Background Images dialog again.

This image shows a 4-page PDF with two of the pages selected:

The size of the displayed pages may be adjusted with the slider in the lower-right corner of the dialog. Larger sizes will enable you to see the page details better, but it will not affect how it is displayed in the Background Images dialog.