The Browse Texture button allows you to navigate through the file structure on your computer or network to add an image that exists outside of the Textures database. Image types recognized in the Browse tab include BMP, JPG, PNG and PNG formats.
When adding your own textures to the database, please keep these general "rules" in mind:
- Textures must have width and length set to 64, 128, 256, 512 or 1024 pixels in order to prevent pixelization anomalies on the screen.
- The average reflectance and associated color are calculated and displayed once the Texture has been added to the database. These values can be altered using the Room or Object dialogs or after application using the Surface Edit command.
- You can classify the Texture by dragging it into the appropriate category.
- You may add a new Texture category: Right click in the Categories list area and select New Category from the menu that opens.
- A Texture may be added to your Favorites by right clicking on the Texture and selecting Add to Favorites from the menu that opens. The Favorites category is at the top of the list of textures categories. Alternatively, the drag-and-drop method may be used to drag the Texture to the Favorites category. (Either way, it will still remain in its original category as well.)
- A Texture may be deleted by right clicking on it and selecting Delete Texture.