Calculation Summary

The Calculation Summary dialog provides information about the calculation time, final Radiosity Stopping Criterion and environment information. This dialog is available from the Control Bar in all modes (access from the pull-down menu to the right of the Calculate button).

The more light absorbed, the more accurate the rendered image and calculated environment, however,allowing more light to be absorbed can dramatically increase calculation time with minimal improvement in accuracy. Complicated environments generally take longer to absorb more light since there are more surfaces exchanging light.

Total Calculation Time – Indicates the total calculation time in hh:mm:ss (e.g. 00:01:10) to calculate the given environment and calculation points based on the type of calculation specified by the user. For example, if the user were calculating point by points in a room in Full Radiosity Method, the total calculation time includes the Radiosity and Calculation Points calculations. In Direct Only Method, only the Calculation Points would be calculated.

Radiosity Summary

Indicates the time in hh:mm:ss to initialize, calculate and update the database for each type of calculation performed in AGi32. The Radiosity time indicates the calculation time to reach the Radiosity Stopping Criterion the time reached if the calculations were stopped prematurely by the user.

Percent Light Absorbed – Indicates the percentage of light absorbed. This value may differ from the specified Radiosity Stopping Criterion if the user stopped the calculations prematurely.

Number of Steps - Indicates the number of steps completed if the specified Radiosity Stopping Criterion was attained, or the number of steps completed before the calculations were stopped prematurely by the user

Number of Surfaces – Indicates the number of surfaces in the environment, if any.

Number of Patches – Indicates the number of patches for all surfaces as discretized according to Advanced Render Settings. Surfaces are broken up into patches for the Full Radiosity Method according to the surface Level and given Patch Size.

Number of Elements – Indicates the number of elements in the environment. Elements comprise the smallest surface area for the Full Radiosity Method as discretized according to the Advanced Render Settings (Element Size Factor x Patch Size).

Ray Trace

Indicates the calculation time and number or rays required to complete last raytrace image.

From the drop down menu adjacent to the Calculate button on the Control Bar select Calculation Summary