Reports - Save Report

The Save Report command allows you to save your report outside of the local AGi32 job file so that it may be accessed from other job files by other users. Report files are saved individually in the PageBuilderReports folder specified in Tools - System Settings - File System tab. By locating your PageBuilderReports folder in a central location, the reports can be shared.

The Reports file extension is .PBR. Reports may be shared electronically amongst users; however, in order to be "seen" by Reports, they must be copied to the PageBuilderReports folder.

Reports that have been locked and/or protected may be saved affording the user more control options to create consistently formatted output from AGi32.

  1. From the Reports menu, choose Save Report, or in the Reports Toolkit select .
  2. Specify a unique report name.
  3. An optional report description may also be appended.
  4. The number of report pages will be shown for confirmation.
  5. Click OK.

Saving Individual Pages

Individual Pages may also be saved for reuse outside the local job file. However, these pages are stored in your AGI32_GeneralDB database in the AGi32 installation folder. Saved pages cannot be shared with other users; only reports can be shared, as they are stored independently.