Add Room Opening - Wall or End Panel

The ability to create an opening in a Wall or End Panel (Vertical Extrusion) is useful primarily for Windows and Doors although there may certainly be other needs for openings that we have not yet imagined.

The creation of openings utilizes Surface View mode. When you select a surface to locate an opening, AGi32 will display that surface in surface view where only entities in the same coordinate plane are visible. In the case of Room openings, surface view mode looks at all surfaces from the frame of reference of an observer INSIDE of the space.

To create a wall opening

  1. Select the Room-Opening-Add-To Wall or End Panel command from the Modify menu or from the Rooms/Objects toolbar, select .
  2. Select the wall surface to receive the opening.
  3. Draw the opening on the surface, right click to close. The opening can be any shape and can include Arcs (F4).

Using Snap when specifying openings

When selecting a room wall , the following Snap rules apply:

  1. If the selected wall is orthogonal (parallel to the X or Y axis) and is specified within the current snap value (e.g. - Surface Y=10, Snap =1), Snap can be used and set while specifying the opening.
  2. If the selected wall is orthogonal and is NOT specified using  the current snap value (e.g. - Surface Y=10.123, Snap = 1), Snap is automatically set to 0.01 and can not be changed while specifying the opening. This is done to make sure the opening is located on the surface.

Hint: Change your Snap value to a small enough value within your surface constraints, to leave Snap on. For example, if your surface is located at X = 70.5, change your Snap to 0.5 or 0.25 before selecting the surface.

  1. If the selected wall is not orthogonal, Snap is automatically set to 0.01 and can not be changed while specifying the opening. This is done to make sure the opening is located on the surface.