Edit a Rectangular Vertical Extrusion Object

The Edit Rectangular Vertical Extrusion Object dialog looks similar to the original ‘Add’ dialog, with the addition of an Object Preview at the bottom. You may change the object label, description, wire frame color, labeling options and side height. In addition, you may edit each surface's properties by clicking the Surface Edit button, if desired.

If you have moved or deleted an object label prior to editing, it will be replaced in its original location, after any editing changes have been made. For this reason, we recommend not moving or deleting object labels until after all object modifications have been made.

  1. From the Modify menu choose Object-Edit, or from the Rooms/Objects toolbar select image\objectbtn-edit.jpg.
  2. Select the object by moving the pickbox cursor over it and clicking the left mouse button.
  3. Make the desired changes in the dialog.
  1. Click Ok to apply the changes and return to the graphics window.