Creating a Composite Photometric File
This command allows the user to create a single photometric file from a Luminaire Group consisting of multiple luminaire locations of variable type. Files can be added together or averaged.
IMPORTANT: This function should only be used by those who understand photometry and the limitations thereof. See the Concepts topic, and especially read the Caveats, Warnings and Disclaimers section, for more information.
A composite photometric file is created from two or more individual files. A Luminaire Group must first be created, and then the composite file is made from that Group.
- Place the individual luminaires in their appropriate relative locations by one of these methods, depending on whether the luminaires/files are to be added together or averaged:
- If Adding the files together: Locate and orient and/or aim each luminaire as appropriate, relative to the others. Place the luminaires within a reasonable proximity to each other. (See Concepts topic, Relative Location and Aiming Parameter Constraints table.)
- If Averaging the files: Locate all of the luminaires at the same location with no aiming.
- Create a Luminaire Group from this assembly:
- Click on the Create Luminaire Group button in the Luminaire Toolkit.
- Click opposite corners of a "window" that includes all of the luminaires to be included in the Group.
- Set Insertion Point at the center of the Group.
- Set Reference Angle to indicate luminaire orientation direction. Relative Orientation for all locations in the group will be adjusted according.
- Click on the Create Luminaire Group button in the Luminaire Toolkit.
- The Define Luminaire dialog will open. Enter a Label and Description for the Group. Then click the Add/Redefine button. The Group will be created and the dialog will close.
- Open the Define Luminaire dialog again.
- Click once on the Group just created to highlight it. Now click on the Create Composite File button.
The Composite Photometric File dialog will open.
- Set desired settings and click OK.
- Note: If Sub-Tags were assigned to the individual members of the Group, they will be included in the composite file manifest.
- Enter a file name and location to save the new composite IES file and click Save.
If the check box for Automatically Load Composite File was selected (bottom of the dialog), the generated composite file will be loaded into the Define Luminaire list and will be available for placement in the environment. If not, the file is simply saved as specified.