Changing Luminaire Mounting Height
The Luminaire-Change Height commands provide the ability to change the luminaire mounting height with or without changing the associated aiming parameters. Two options are provided within the command: Change Height, and Change Height - Same Aiming Points.
The Change Height command modifies the luminaire mounting height without affecting the aiming angles. The aiming points are relocated accordingly. For example, if a luminaire is tilted 45 degrees prior to applying the Change Height command, the luminaire will remain tilted at 45 degrees afterward.
Luminaire groups and luminaire arrangements must use the Change Height command due to multiple aiming points.
The Change Height - Same Aiming Points command modifies the luminaire mounting height and retains the same aiming points. The aiming angles are recalculated accordingly. For example, if a luminaire has an Aiming Point located at (25, 300, 10), the luminaire will remain aimed at the coordinates (25, 300, 10) after this command is executed.
To move a luminaire and keep its same aiming angles:
- From the Modify
menu choose Luminaire - Change Height,
or from the Luminaire Toolkit select
. To select multiple luminaires, you may continue to select single luminaires, and right click to complete the selection. Alternatively, you may click on the pull-down arrow to the right of the button to invoke the secondary menu. Select Window or All.
- If you selected Single or Window, select the luminaire(s) to change. The Command Line will indicate the number of luminaires selected.
- Enter the new mounting height in the Change Height dialog box. Note: the current height (or insertion point) is displayed for reference, if non-variable, i.e., if all selected luminaires have the same current height.
- Click OK.
To move a luminaire and keep it aimed at the original aiming points:
- From the Modify
menu choose Luminaire - Change Height - Same Aiming Points,
or from the Luminaire Toolkit select
. To select multiple luminaires, you may continue to select single luminaires, and right click to complete the selection. Alternatively, you may click on the pull-down arrow to the right of the button to invoke the secondary menu. Select Window or All.
- If you selected Single or Window, select the luminaire(s) to change. The Command Line will indicate the number of luminaires selected.
- Enter the new mounting height in the Change Height dialog box. Note: the current height (or insertion point) is displayed for reference, if non-variable, i.e., if all selected luminaires have the same current height.
- Click OK.