Importing AGi32 Files

An imported AGi32 file is inserted as a separate project. By default, the imported project is unlocked. Any combination of entities may be imported including drawing entities, text, schedules, luminaire types and locations, LPD/UWLR areas, calculation points, statistical areas, rooms and objects. You may also choose to import only the luminaires, by selecting Luminaire Types Only. When merging a job file with several projects, AGi32 attaches all of the entities to a single project with the imported project name.

  1. Accept the default project name or enter a unique project name in the Project Name text box.
  2. If desired, lock the imported project (locking a project prevents modifications to it).
  3. The Offset coordinates allow you to specify an insertion point, other than the origin, for the project. Offsets relocate the imported entities to a new location. Offsets are applied relative to the actual coordinate values. For example, if a luminaire was originally located at 10, 20, 10 and offsets of 100, 100, 0 are applied, the luminaire will now be located at 110,120, 10.
  4. Select the entities to import. Click on the Select All button if all entities are to be imported.
  5. Click OK.

About Textures

Textures defined in the imported file are included if they are found in the local Textures Database. If they are not found in the local Textures Database, an Import Report will be displayed indicating the non-imported texture by name and correlated surface and the surfaces will be rendered with solid color. To define textures for these surfaces, choose one of the following: