CAD Export Attributes

The CAD Export dialog allows the user to specify many properties of the exported CAD file: Units, Scaling factor, Reset Origin, Export Types, Export Layers, and Color.

The CAD file is organized to replicate the AGi32 environmental structure. In other words, it is WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get). Most of the entities are exported as blocks so that the selection method is as it is in AGi32 (All entities related to each luminaire location are blocked, etc.).

Once created, the folder in which the file was created is opened, with the newly created file highlighted for easy opening or attachment to e-mail.

  1. By default, AGi32 exports in the same units as the current AGi32 units (e.g., Display Units: Feet: Export Units: Feet), unless a CAD file was imported with alternate units (e.g. Display Units: Feet, Export Units: Centimeters). You can specify any Conversion unit. If desired, an additional Scaling Factor may be applied (typically not necessary). Note: You can change the Display Units via the Tools-System Settings command.
  2. The Reset Origin option is automatically checked if the Translate Origin command was applied.
  3. Choose which entities to export. By default, all visible entities are exported.
  4. If desired, you can modify the exported layer structure. By default, all like entities (e.g., objects, rooms, luminaires, etc.) are exported on the same layer.
  5. Choose the color method. ACI Color is the default and will result in the most consistent appearance with AGi32 (especially with dark backgrounds).
  6. Click OK.