The New command from the File menu opens a new job in AGi32. This is the default program condition when starting the program from the desktop icon. AGi32 can only have one working file open per session at any time. When opening a new file while another is currently open, you will be asked to save any work currently in progress. AGi32 can have multiple sessions open at one time with different job files.
- From
the File menu choose New, or from the Common
toolbar select
Your work is not formally named until you assign a job file with the Save or Save As commands. However, a working file is created immediately. The temporary name New-#-wrk.agi is used as the working file name. The # represents the timer sequence AGi32 uses to save the working files. This system provides a useful recovery scheme as your work is always current to the last command as well as to the last save. See the System Crash Job File Procedure for more information