This warning will open if you have initiated Full Radiosity calculations with non-roadway surface types present. (Examples: Double-Sided, etc.)
- During Full Radiosity calculations, all surface types will obstruct (block) light and reflect light to the environment, but only Roadway Pavement and Roadway Contributor surface types will reflect light to the roadway calculation grids. See Calculations - Roadway - Concepts for more information.
- In Model Mode, you may use the Surface Edit command to change a Room or Object's surface type.
The Roadway Calculations Warning dialog will list on the left-hand side, in red, the Rooms or Objects that have one or more non-roadway surface types, such as Double-Sided, etc.
On the right-hand side, in blue, are the Rooms and Objects that contain only roadway surface types.
In the lower-right corner of each list area is a Copy icon. Clicking on it will copy the associated list to the Clipboard for Pasting into another document. This can then be used as a reference while you make the necessary changes in Model Mode.
The user has two options:
- Cancel Calculation: In this case, the dialog will close and the non-roadway surfaces may be edited to be either Roadway Pavement or Roadway Contributor.
- Proceed With Calculation: The user may select this option in the case where any light that the non-roadway surfaces might contribute to the roadway results would be unimportant.
At the bottom of the dialog, the user may select not to see this reminder anymore for the duration of this AGi32 session. When a different AGI file is opened or AGi32 is restarted, the dialog will open again if and when it is applicable.