Luminaires are located based on the current selections shown on the Luminaire toolbar. These selections include luminaire type, mounting height, and aiming parameters.
The mounting height may be changed while the command is active by entering
a new value in the Mounting Height text box ( - located
in the lower right corner of the desktop), changing the current Z coordinate
with the PageUp and PageDown keys on your keyboard or entering a new value in the MH text
box on the Lum define toolbar. When locating and aiming luminaires in
elevation view, you may wish to lock the
current mounting height.
When luminaire locations are undone, all luminaires located in a single session with one press of the Locate button are undone as a group.
Once the luminaire has been selected from the Select Luminaire dialog (see steps below), select from your choice of location method: Locate, Locate & Orient, or Locate & Aim. The Locate method locates the luminaire(s) with the 0 degree photometric plane set to the value in the Orient field. Luminaires are placed with a single click. Locate & Orient allows you to place the luminaires with the first click and set the orientation angle with the second click. Additional three-dimensional aiming can be employed by setting the Tilt, Roll and Spin angles. Locate & Aim is intended for luminaires that will be aimed at a point. Set the Z coordinate of the aiming point in the AimZ field in the Luminaire Toolkit.
All aiming types are available for single luminaires. Luminaire groups or arrangements can be placed with the Locate and Locate & Orient commands only.
To locate luminaires on the drawing:
- Select a luminaire label by clicking in the Label field. The Select Luminaire dialog will open.
- Click on the desired luminaire; the dialog will close automatically. (See notes below for more information on the Select Luminaire dialog.)
- Specify a mounting height with the arrow keys or by entering a value in the MH text box.
- Specify any additional aiming parameters that will be independent of the Aiming Type.
- From the Add
menu choose Luminaire - Locate,
or from the Luminaire Toolkit select
- Three options are available from the pull-down menu: Locate, Locate & Orient, and Locate & Aim. The default function is Locate, or whichever one was used last in the current instance of AGi32.
- If the last-used aiming type was "Locate & Aim" and the current luminaire type does not allow aiming (e.g. luminaire groups and arrangements), the aiming type will revert to Locate.
- Locate the luminaire at the desired location by left-clicking the mouse when the cursor is at that location. Alternatively, you may press Ctrl+a on the keyboard to invoke the current parameters.
- If Locate was specified, no additional moves are required.
- If Locate & Orient was specified, move the cursor to the desired orientation angle (watch Command Line) and left-click again.
- If Locate & Aim was specified, move the cursor to the desired aiming angle (watch Command Line) and left -click again. To change the Z coordinate of the aiming point, use the AimZ arrow keys or the up and down arrows on the keyboard before confirming the aiming angle.
- Another luminaire will be attached to the cursor. The distance and orientation angle from the previous luminaire will be displayed on the Command Line. Continue placing luminaires or right-click (or press Enter) to terminate the command.
- If the Label is selected and no luminaires are defined, the Define Luminaire dialog will open.
- In the Select Luminaire dialog, clicking on a column heading will cause the luminaires to be sorted according to that heading.
- Pressing the Ctrl and Shift keys together after selecting the luminaire location and before selecting an aiming point, allows you to select multiple aiming points with the same location (without having to respecify the insertion point).
- During the various location commands, the luminaire's Tilt, Roll and Spin may be changed dynamically by using keystrokes. Prior to completing the command, these keystrokes are available:
- To adjust Tilt: Alt+Up/Down arrow keys to increment/decrement the Tilt angle.
- To adjust Roll: Alt+Left/Right arrow keys to increment/decrement the Roll angle.
- To adjust Spin: Alt+Shift+Left/Right arrow keys to increment/decrement the Spin angle.
- Alt+0 (zero) resets Tilt, Roll and Spin to zero.
- Notes:
- The amount of increment/decrement is determined by the Snap value (e.g., if Snap value = 2.5, the angular increment is 2.5 degrees).
- While placing the luminaire, MH, Orient, Tilt, Roll, Spin and Aim Z are updated in the Luminaire Toolkit and on the Command Line. Once the luminaire has been placed, the values revert back to the previous default settings.
- Tilt cannot be changed via keystrokes when using the Locate & Aim option, as Tilt is determined by the Aiming Point.
- The dynamic keystrokes for Roll and Spin will have no effect on luminaire Groups.