Effective Searching
The Instabase® is designed specifically to be queried to narrow the data presented into a targeted result that is easy to browse. As a minimum you should plan on using the Source Type and Wattage fields for every query. Through experience you will learn to use more search fields to yield more precise results.
The success rate of any search will be dependent on the state of the manufacturers’ photometric data. If they have been diligent in maintaining adequate descriptive information within the standard IES keywords, the number of false positives is generally low. If they have taken the extra step to add Custom Search Keywords using our IKE software (or otherwise), the resulting data will be close to 100% in precision.
On the other hand, if their descriptive information is poorly constructed, you may find it impossible to get useful results from some Brands. You will easily recognize poorly performing data as the manufacturer will not populate seemingly obvious queries. While Lighting Analysts goes to great lengths to persuade manufacturers to maintain good data structure, it is the manufacturers intellectual property and they are ultimately responsible. Please do not hesitate to contact us regarding unexpected results.
How to Search:
- Select All Brands or select the manufacturers to be used for the query.
- Set your search criteria. You may want to use the Reset button (next to the SEARCH button) to remove any transient settings.
- Click the SEARCH button.
Search Parameters
Parameters for Custom Search Keywords (CSK's)
Text Search
The top field in the Text Search can be used to search for any alphanumeric character string in the IES file description, filename or file path (folder names). For example, you could search for the word "Garage". If the word occurs anywhere in the IES file, filename or file path, the file will be listed in results.
Checking the box to Incl. Photometric File Contents expands the search to the contents of the entire file.